PlanMill® 60 S Milling Unit
Greater efficiency for maximized productivity.
Choose a mill with the capacity to meet more clinical needs.
Transform your practice with the PlanMill 60 S
The PlanMill 60 S produces dentures, full arch restorations, custom titanium abutments, night guards, surgical guides, and up to 25 crowns in a single disc. Eliminate frustrations and stay in control of your treatment plans.
Take a peek at this transformational technology
Valuable features and the ability to add to any scanner workflow.
- 5‑axis chairside unit with lab capabilities for high production
- Wet or dry milling
- Mill discs or blocks
- Broad range of material
- C‑clamp adapter for more detailed milling
- Automatic bur changer for 10 tools
- Open architecture for easy integration
Wet or Dry
Automatic Bur Changer
Discs or Blocks
Variety of Materials
FDA-Cleared Titanium Abutments
Looking for a complete CAD/CAM solution?
Check out the Planmeca FIT® Plus
Planmeca FIT Plus is the most sophisticated same‑day dentistry solution on the market, allowing clinicians to perform more in‑house procedures and elevate patient care. The system includes the Planmeca Emerald® S intraoral scanner, Planmeca PlanCAD® Premium design software, and the Planmeca PlanMill® 60 S milling unit. This open solution enables clinicians to achieve maximum productivity throughout the entire workflow while providing highly accurate and esthetic restorations.